SLEEPON’s Playbook of Financial Management and Business Development in the United States of America - 思利普在美利堅合眾國之財務管理和業務發展手冊

Director 指揮 : KEITH YUNXI ZHU 朱耘希 | OLIVER NILES WHITE 懷特 尼爾斯 奧立佛

Supervisor 監視 : Oliver Thomas Dalmi 達爾米 托馬斯 奧立佛, Even Xia Ni 倪夏, Alice Jia Bai 白佳, David Zhaowei Chang 常昭偉 (SLEEPON 思立普)

Co-Authors 作者 : Eric Meindl, Shae McKenna, Yuening Wang, Xin Huan, Peng Chen, Peiyao Yu (SLEEPON),



SLEEPON is a digital health company in the field of sleep health. Founded in 2017 in China, whose vision is to help people with sleep disorders regain healthy sleep, aims to become a big player in the telemedicine industry.

Please note: this is a simplified document for demonstration purposes, more information to be disclosed upon declassification. If you are a prospective investor, please contact the External Affair Bureau of THE KEITH & EVEN GROUP (US) INC.


SLEEPON Business Model

The Standard SleepOn Follows - 思立普遵循的標準
  1. Company Overview

    We design our business according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Guidelines, combining electronics, mathematics, data science, programming, and retail health model to create accessible, affordable, and high-quality sleep health products and services for users.

  2. Business Introduction and Mission:

    We are a Chinese-based user-central sleep healthcare provider that aims to produce an integrated digital sleep healthcare solution by developing medical devices and software that utilizes modern technology to screen, diagnose, monitor, and treat a variety of medical conditions pertinent to a user's sleep. Through modern technology, we believe that we can provide life-changing sleep solutions to the millions affected by poor sleep.

  3. Target Market:

    SLEEPON has focused on catering almost exclusively to the US market (despite being operated out of China) with over 70 million Americans that suffer from chronic sleep problems, making the US one of the largest sleep healthcare markets. The target customers of SLEEPON are adults who suffer from sleep apnea and chronic insomnia. SLEEPON also produces diagnostic and treatment devices to sleep clinics.
    思立普聚焦满足美国市场(儘管在中國運營),因為有超過 7000 萬患有慢性睡眠問題的美國人,美國成為最大的睡眠保健市場之一。 思立普的目標客戶是受到慢性失眠和睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA)困擾的成年人。同時,思立普也面向睡眠診所和睡眠醫生提供診斷和治療設備。

  4. Value Creation and Competitive Advantage:

    Unlike many other companies within the industry, SLEEPON is attempting to be a one-stop shop for all sleep health care management with synchronous developments in both software and hardware, which allow Sleepon to control the production costs and to achieve business expansion without strong reliance on a specific supplier. Based on these relative advantages, they are constantly expanding the functionality of their products and prioritizing user experience leading to efficient and thorough improvements to patient sleep health. Moreover, SLEEPON is incredibly user-focused with non-invasive products and a friendly user interface that ensures clients can easily understand, monitor and correct problems with their sleep.

  5. The Future for SLEEPON:

    Moving forwards, SLEEPON is working towards artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies that attempt to perform preliminary diagnosis of sleep conditions given the monitoring data from SLEEPONs products. This element is representative of SLEEPONs vision, being the increased utilization of technology in developing products and services, which further increases the user-friendly nature of SLEEPONs products while allowing SLEEPON to cater to more sleep conditions, thereby growing their consumer base.

  6. SWOT Analysis:

    To Be Disclosed Upon Declassification

  7. The financial condition for the past three years is as follows (Currency: USD):
    过去三年的财务状况如下 (貨幣:美元):

    To Be Disclosed Upon Declassification



Patients With Trouble Sleeping

Number of Patients (Million)

Number of Clinics

Sleep Clinics


OSA Patients


Dental Clinics


Chronic Insomnia Patients


Psychological Clinics


The Problem

  1. Executive Summary

    The most common sleep disorders are Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and chronic insomnia. In the US, the prevalence of OSA is estimated to be 12% of the adult population totaling 29.4 million people. Among those 29.4 million people, approximately 80% of the patients are undiagnosed totaling 23.5million. Among the OSA diagnosed patients, 85% of patients are treated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) [2,3]. Similar situations apply to patients who have chronic insomnia. The diagnosis and treatment for sleep disorders could be effective in many ways, such as increasing quality of life, reducing cost burden, etc. [3]. Nowadays, new technology and tools for self-assessment make diagnosis and treatment more accessible and more convenient. The sleep health industry is a growing industry and is expected to grow at more than 8% a year.
    最常見的睡眠障礙疾病是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA)和慢性失眠。在美國,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA)的患病率估計為成年人人口的 12%,大概總共有 2940 萬人。在這 2940萬人中,約有 80% 的患者未確診,總計約有 2350 萬人。在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停 (OSA)診患者中,85% 的患者接受經呼吸機(CPAP)治療。患有慢性失眠症的患者面臨相似的情況。睡眠障礙的診斷和治療可以在提高生活質量和降低成本負擔等許多方面發揮作用。如今,有了新的自我評估技術和工具,診斷和治療變得更加容易和方便。睡眠健康行業是一個不斷增長的行業,預計每年以 8% 以上的速度增長。

  2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

    Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. It is a condition characterized by episodic upper airway narrowing during sleep. During sleep, the activity of the upper airway dilator muscles decreases in a sleep-state-dependent manner [4]. As a result, the patients will suffer from upper airway narrowing, loud snoring, and airflow reduction. Reduced airflow can be either partial (a hypopnea) or complete (an apnea). The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) counts the total number of apneas and hypopnea per hour of sleep, used to describe the severity of OSA.

    Among US adults, approximately 29.4 million people are suffering from OSA, and nearly 80% of people are undiagnosed. The significant barriers for people getting diagnosed with OSA are lack of public awareness of the symptoms and severity of the conditions, high cost for treatment, and lack of primary care physician education on the urgency of diagnosis and treatment [3].
    在美國成年人中,大約有 2940 萬人患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA),將近有 80%的人未被確診。如此大量未被診斷為阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA)的主要障礙是公眾缺乏對症狀和病情嚴重程度的認識,高昂的費用以及缺乏對診斷和治療緊迫性的教育。

    Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the standard treatment for moderate to severe OSA. However, adherence to CPAP is limited, and non-CPAP therapies are frequently explored. Oral appliance (OA) is currently widely used to treat snoring, mild, moderate, and severe OSA [6]. Positional therapy, which requires patients to keep sleeping on their side, is also an OSA treatment. Positional therapy is less invasive and has better adherence than CPAP [7].

  3. Chronic Insomnia

    More than one-third of adults experience transient insomnia at some point in their lives. In about 40% of cases, insomnia can develop into a more chronic and persistent condition [1,8]. Chronic insomnia is associated with several adverse health outcomes and a severely reduced quality of life [11].
    超過三分之一的成年人在他們生命中的某個階段都經歷過短暫的失眠。在約 40%的病例中,失眠可發展為更慢性和持久的病症。慢性失眠與多種負面健康結果及生活質量嚴重下降都有關聯。

    Systematic sleep history is mainly used to assess and diagnose insomnia. The insomnia assessment involves understanding the patent’s typical sleep pattern at night and the effects of poor sleep on the patients. Expected daytime consequences include depressed mood, irritability, lack of energy, etc. [9,10]. Behavior therapy and pharmacotherapies are the most common two treatments for chronic insomnia.
    系統的睡眠史主要用於評估和診斷失眠。失眠評估包括瞭解患者夜間的典型睡眠模式以及睡眠不佳對患者的影響。常見的白天後果包括情緒低落、易怒和缺乏活力等 。行為療法和藥物療法是目前治療慢性失眠最常見的兩種療法。

  4. Impact of Treating Sleep Disorders

    The impact of treating sleep disorders like OSA and chronic insomnia includes increasing patients’ quality of sleep, increasing patients’ quality of life, decreasing the patient’s comorbidities such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, improving patient’s mental health, reducing substance abuse, increasing patient’s occupational productivity and decreasing the accidents and distractions that happen to the patients [3].

    If the United States address more about the treatment of sleeping disorder, it will result in a truly transformational impact on society. Patients could expect a significant drop in life-threatening conditions such as stroke and heart disease and more enjoyable life and relationships. Employers would also see a jump in productivity and performance [3].

  5. The prevalence of sleep disorders

    More than 50 million Americans already suffer from over 80 different sleep disorders, and another 20 to 30 million suffer intermittent sleep problems each year. At least 25 million Americans (one in five adults) suffer from sleep apnea, severe sleep, and breathing condition linked to hypertension, cognitive impairment, heart disease, and stroke. Chronic insomnia affects at least 10 percent of Americans. About 70% of adults report that they obtain insufficient sleep at least one night a month, and 11% say inadequate sleep every night. Restless legs syndrome, a neurological disorder, affects about 5 percent of the population over age 65. Sleep disorders affect every race, socioeconomic class, and age group [1].
    每年有超過 5000 萬的美國人患有八十多種不同的睡眠障礙,另外還有 2000~3000 萬人患有間歇性睡眠問題。至少有 2500萬美國人(五分之一的成年人)患有睡眠呼吸暫停症,這是一種與高血壓,認知障礙、心臟病和中風有關的嚴重睡眠呼吸問題;至少 10% 的美國人患有慢性失眠症;大約有 70% 的成年人每個月至少有一次睡眠不足,成年人有 11% 的人群每晚都睡眠不足;65 歲以上的老人有 5% 患有一種不安腿綜合徵的神經系統疾病。睡眠障礙影響每個人種,社會階層和各年齡段的人口 [1]。

    Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is defined by the number of obstructive apnea and hypopnea episodes per hour, reflecting the degree of departure from normal breathing during sleep. Between 1988 and 1994, the prevalence of moderate-severe OSA was estimated as 8.8% in males aged 30-70, whereas between 2007 and 2010, prevalence had risen to 13% in males and 6% in females[2].
    阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA)是每小時睡眠中阻塞性呼吸暫停和呼吸不足的次數來定義,這個指標反映睡眠期間偏離正常呼吸的程度。1988 年至 1994 年期間,30-70 歲男性中重度睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA)的患病率估計為 8.8%,而 2007 年至 2010 年期間,男性患病率上升至 13%,女性為 6% [2]。

    Despite the high prevalence of sleep disorders, the overwhelming majority of sufferers remain undiagnosed and untreated, creating unnecessary public health and safety problems, as well as increased healthcare expenses. National surveys show that more than 60% of adults have never been asked about the quality of their sleep by a physician, and fewer than 20% have ever initiated such a discussion [1].
    儘管睡眠障礙的患病率很高,但絕大多數患者仍未得到診斷和治療,造成了不必要的公共健康和安全問題,並增加了醫療保健費用。全國調查顯示,超過 60% 的成年人從未被醫生詢問過他們的睡眠質量,只有不到 20% 的成年人曾經發起過這樣的討論 [1]。

  6. The risk factors of sleep disorders

    Sleep issues can predispose individuals to many unhealthy behaviors, chronic conditions, and diseases related to lifestyle.

    1. Insomnia is a crucial cause of poor mental and physical health. Research has found that insomnia has been independently associated with the new-onset of stroke, hypertension, diabetes, depression, and perhaps even early mortality.

    2. OSA is associated with hypertension, cardiovascular morbidity (notably elevated odds of stroke;) and mortality, sleepiness, impaired cognitive function, increased likelihood of motor vehicle crashes and occupational accidents, and reduced health-related quality of life.

    3. Insufficient sleep prevents patients from getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep, which keeps the patients from feeling alert and well-rested during the day.

Impaired attention and concentration
Cardiovascular disease and stroke
Psychiatric relapse
Road traffic accidents
Decreased memory
Disorders of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Adrenal (HPA)
Mood fluctuation
Falls and fractures
Reduced multi-tasking
Metabolic abnormalities
Repeat prescribing
Impaired decision-making
Weight gain & obesity
Alcohol and drug dependency
Reduced creativity
Reduced immunity
Anger and frustration
Increased sedative and stimulant use
Reduced communication
Bodily sensations of pain
Higher risk of suicide
Less likely to attend appointments
Reduced socialisation
Thermoregulatory problems
Anxiety and hyperarousal
Longer stay in hospital
Less likely to be employed
Vulnerable seizure threshold
Chronic fatigue
Earlier admission to long-term care
More likely to be on benefits


Overview and Analysis of sleep health industry

Size of the sleep economy worldwide from 2019 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars) - 從 2019 年 至 2024 年睡眠經濟之大小(單位:十億美元)
  1. Potential Investors for Sleep Health

    1. Treating Sleep disorders could substantially save cost by reducing workplace absences, better managing comorbidities, and increasing productivity. According to Frost & Sullivan, there is a reported 40% decline in workplace absences and 17.3 increase in productivity after sleep disorder treatment initiation. The potential investors for sleep health treatment are
      治療睡眠障礙可以幫助企業透過減少工作場所缺勤、更好地管理合併症和提高生產力來大幅節省成本。根據 「Frost & Sullivan」 的數據顯示,在開始睡眠障礙治療後,工作場所缺勤率下降了 40%,工作效率提高了 17.3%。關於睡眠健康治療的潛在投資者有

      AAA Foundation, Aetna, Alphabet (Google), Concerta, Humana, Hufffington Post, Kaiser Permanente, Scheneider, and UPREHS.

      Large medical device companies could also be potential investors for the sleep health industry. For example, ResMed, the largest CPAP vendor, could invest in a sleep tracking system and detectors that could help them target the potential patients for using CPAP as a treatment for OSA. From this perspective, large potential investors include
      大型醫療器械公司也可能成為睡眠健康行業的潛在投資者。例如,最大的 持續氣道正壓通氣系統(CPAP)生產商瑞思邁(ResMed)可以投資以及收購睡眠跟蹤系統和檢測器,以幫助他們搜尋用持續氣道正壓通氣系統(CPAP)作為阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA)治療的潛在患者。從這個角度來看,潛在投資者包括

      ResMed (瑞思邁), Koninklijke Philips N.V (飛利浦), Natus Medical Incorporated, Nihon Kohden Corporation, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Compumedics Limited,Itamer Medical Ltd, Merck & CO, Sleep Number Corporation

    2. Other potential investors in the sleep health industry include:

      BMC Medical Co., Curative Medial, Apex Medical Corporation, Cadwell Industries Inc, SOMNOMedics, GMBH, Advanced Brain Monitoring Inc., Braebon Medical Corporation, Cleveland Medical Devices Inc., Eight Sleep, SIMBA, Sleepace, Solace Lifesciences, Somnox, Sleep Cycle, Withings, Polar Electro, Pzizz Ltd, Fitbit Inc., Garmin Ltd, ReST, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc., Eisai Inc., Sanofi, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries, Pfizer Inc.

    3. Industry overview

      The sleep health industry is a growing industry, especially in recent years. At least three significant acquisitions happened in 2021 regarding the sleep tracking device. The sleep-health industry is collectively estimated to be worth between $30 billion to $40 billion and has historically grown by more than 8 percent per year [12]. The emergence of COVID-19 has also contributed to the increasing incidence of sleep disorders.
      睡眠健康行業是一個不斷發展的行業,尤其是近年。 2021 年至少發生了三次關於睡眠跟蹤設備的重大收購。據估計,睡眠健康行業的總價值在 300 億至 400 億美元之間,而且歷史上每年增長超過 8%。新型冠狀病毒的出現也導致了睡眠障礙發病率的增加。

      China and the US have the highest prevalence of sleep apnea. With the increased prevalence of apnea and chronic respiratory disorders, the demand for sleep devices is expected to increase during the forecast period. The apnea device segment is growing at a CAGR of 8.34% by 2026. Almost 50% of Americans use prescription-based sleeping aids or OTC products, thereby booming the growth in the global sleep industry [13].
      中國和美國的睡眠呼吸暫停患病率最高。隨著呼吸暫停和慢性呼吸系統疾病患病率的增加,在預測期內對睡眠設備的需求將增加。直到 2026 年之前,呼吸暫停設備市場的復合年增長率將為 8.34%。近 50% 的美國人使用處方助眠劑或非處方藥產品,從而推動全球睡眠行業的蓬勃發展。

      The sleep health industry is continuously growing and advancing. Artificial Intelligence is penetrating almost every market as it is a handy and assistive tool that can be customized quickly based on the need. AI, along with machine learning and deep learning systems, can help automate processes while optimizing and increasing their efficiency and reducing errors. It can help improve the pace of diagnosis, thus increasing the rate of treatment. It can minimize or irradicate unnecessary tasks in healthcare, such as administrative documentation work, which surprisingly takes a significant time from the physician's schedule. Researchers use polysomnography, actigraphy, and electroencephalography to diagnose sleep disorders to analyze brain activity during sleep. All these technologies create a massive amount of data that includes patient sleep patterns and brain activity during sleep, which helps diagnose sleep disorders. AI can optimize these processes and help researchers and physicians to perform better [13].

      North America acquired a market share of 33.26% in the global sleep market in 2020. The US and Canada are the major markets in the region. The US sleep market held a dominating market share of 90.20% in 2020. This is also expected to continue during the forecast period. The leading position in the global sleep market is attributable to factors such as high incidence and prevalence rate of chronic sleep disorders, urban and fast-paced lifestyle, a high percentage of obese population, and increasing geriatric population. The growing prevalence rate of sleeping disorders is also attributed to the increasing prevalence of underlying conditions such as Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, and COPD. The US and Canada rely on medications (complex solutions) rather than sleep aid devices (soft keys). The medications market in North America was valued at $ 2.19 billion in 2020 [13].
      在 2020 年,北美在全球睡眠市場的佔有率為 33.26%,美國和加拿大是該地區的主要市場。美國睡眠市場在 2020 年佔據了 90.20% 的主導市場份額。在預測期內這種情況也將持續。全球睡眠市場的領先地位歸因於慢性睡眠障礙的高發病率和患病率,城市和快節奏的生活方式,肥胖人口比例高以及老年人口增加等因素。睡眠障礙患病率不斷上升也歸因於基礎疾病例如帕金森病、二型糖尿病和慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)等的不斷增加患病率。美國和加拿大主要依賴藥物(硬解決方案)而不是助眠設備(軟解決方案)的使用。2020 年北美藥物市場價值 21.9 億美元。

    4. The shortage of sleep medicine care

      The United States Census Bureau estimates the current population of the United States to be approximately 330 million people, and presently there are about 7,500 board-certified sleep specialists. This means that the ratio of people to sleep specialists in the United States is more than 44,000:1. In comparison, an area with a balance of people to psychiatrists greater than or equal to 30,000:1 could be eligible for designation by the United States Health Resources and Services Administration as a mental health shortage area. In addition, there are geographic barriers to high-quality sleep care, with board-certified sleep physicians and accredited sleep centers clustering in more urban, highly populated areas [4].
      美國人口普查局估計美國目前的人口約為 3.3 億,全美約有 7,500 名美國睡眠醫學協會認證的睡眠專家,兩者比例超過 44,000:1。相比而言,如果人口與精神病學家的比例大於或等於 30,000:1,則會被美國衛生資源和服務管理局指定為心理健康短缺地區。此外,高質量的睡眠護理服務也存在地理差異,協會認證的睡眠醫生和認證的睡眠中心聚集在城市和人口稠密的地區 [4]。

      After the 2011 examination, the board began to require a physician to complete at least twelve months of an ACGME-approved sleep medicine fellowship to become board-eligible, which resulted in fewer physicians sitting for the sleep medicine board examination beyond 2011 [4].
      在 2011 年考試之後,美國睡眠醫學協會開始要求醫生完成至少十二個月的睡眠醫學研究學習,才能獲得認證考試資格,這一新政導致 2011 年後參加考試的醫生減少 [4]。

      Conducted by Frost and Sullivan, 30% of patients reported their risk of sleep apnea was first identified by a primary care physician, with 10% receiving their diagnosis from these providers[4]. However, a recent study found that only 43 percent of primary care physicians routinely inquire about sleep, sleep disorders are rarely discussed during a typical primary care visit, most primary providers do not have formal sleep medicine training[4].
      在弗羅斯特沙利文公司最近進行的一項患者調查中,30% 的患者稱他們的睡眠呼吸暫停風險首先由家庭醫生識別,10% 的人從這些家庭醫生那裡得到確診 [4]。然而,最近的一項研究發現,只有 43% 的家庭醫生會定期詢問睡眠問題,在典型的初級保健就診期間很少討論睡眠障礙,大多數初級保健提供者沒有接受過正規睡眠醫學培訓 [4]。


  1. Milena et al. Sleep Disorders. The American Journal of Medicine. 2018.09.021

  2. Peppard et al. Increased Prevalence of Sleep-disordered Breathing in Adults. American Journal of Epidemiology (2013): National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine

  3. Frost & Sullivan. In an Age of Constant Activity, the Solution to Improving the Nation’s Health May Lie in Helping it Sleep Better.

  4. Carberry et al. Upper airway collapsibility (Pcrit) and pharyngeal dilator muscle activity are sleep stage dependent. Sleep. 2016; 39:511–21.

  5. Sophie et al. Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. (2018) 32:889-903

  6. Geraldo et al. Treating OSA: Current and emerging therapies beyond CPAP. Official Journal of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  7. Srijithesh et al. Positional therapy for obstructive sleep apnea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, Issue 5. Art No.: CD010990. DOI:10. 1002/14651858.CD010990.pub2.

  8. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. International Classification of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Manual. 3rd Ed Darien, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2014.

  9. David et al. Insomnia: prevalence, consequences and effective treatment. MJA 2013; 199: S36–S40 doi: 10.5694/mja13.10718

  10. Jack et al. Behavioral and psychological treatment for chronic insomnia disorders in adults. An American academy of sleep medicine systematic review, meta-analysis, and grade assessment. Journal of clinical sleep medicine. Vol 17. Issue 2.

  11. Dieter et al. The neurobiology, investigation, and treatment of chronic insomnia. Vol 14. May 2015

  12. McKinsey & Company. Investing in the growing sleep-health economy.

  13. Arizton. Sleep Market Size to Reach Revenues of USD 137.16 billion by 2026.

  14. [1] American Sleep Apnea Association. (2018, September 24). The State of in America. SleepHealth.

  15. [2] Peppard, P. E., Young, T., Barnet, J. H., Palta, M., Hagen, E. W., & Hla, K. M. (2013). Increased prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in adults. American journal of epidemiology, 177(9), 1006–1014.

  16. [3] Goldman, D. (2021b, March 12). Investing in the growing sleep-health economy. McKinsey & Company.

  17. [4] Watson, N. F., Rosen, I. M., Chervin, R. D., & Board of Directors of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (2017). The Past Is Prologue: The Future of Sleep Medicine. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 13(1), 127–135.



SLEEPON’s Product Family

SleepOn's Product Family Explained - 思立普的產品家族解釋
  1. Overview

    While other telemedicine companies focus solely on either software or hardware, SLEEPON's solution is not an isolated product but a patient/consumer-centric retail health ecosystem with developments on both software and hardware. The synchronous developments in both software and hardware allow Sleepon to control the production costs and to achieve business expansion without strong reliance on specific suppliers. Besides, we adhere to personal data security acts and industry standards and guidelines, link occupational therapists and third-party cloud API services and provide affordable and accessible sleep healthcare outside clinical Settings.

  2. SLEEPON’s Future Product Plan For Building A Telemedicine Business Structure

    To Be Disclosed Upon Declassification

  3. Product Statistic

    To Be Disclosed Upon Declassification

  4. Endorsement

    Our products have been approved by industrial customers, including RESMED, the world's largest ventilator manufacturer. Through collaboration with Prosomnus, a US Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) supply brand, and FemTec, a women's health management brand, SLEEPON developed new hardware and software products for the latter two brands, we further strengthened our competitiveness.

  5. Rewards:

    1. The Best Sleep Tracker in 2021, Sleep Foundation
      2021年,Sleep Foundation, 最佳睡眠檢測器。

    2. The best Budget Sleep Tracker in 2021,
      2021年,, 最具性價比的睡眠檢測器。

  6. Industry Clients:

    1. GINZA Clinic, Japan

      A high-end membership-based clinic located in Tokyo, Japan. It mainly provides medical services for diabetes, lifestyle diseases, endocrine, and sleep apnea treatment. It features digitization and visualizing daily information such as sleep/exercise/diet. Shunichi Tanaka, an international medical expert, serves as the director.

    2. FemTec, USA
      美國 FemTec

      A revolutionizing women’s healthcare provider. They use state-of-the-art genomics, predictive intelligence, and digital technologies to create a unique experience for every woman, through all stages of her life journey.

    3. Prosomnus, USA
      美國 Prosomnus

      A developer and manufacturer of oral appliances intended to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). They uses the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) to consider the patient’s unique anatomy, and serve patient by a certified ProSomnus sleep dentist.

  7. Current Products

    SLEEPON has created a collection of products and services to improve sleep health management, aiming to piece together a telemedicine empire.

Go2Sleep The Go2Sleep product is in the shape of a ring that monitors and collects data regarding key sleep health indicators, including heart rate, heart rate variability, vital signs, sleep score, sleep stage, sleep duration, sleep apnea index, blood oxygen saturation, and body movement. Additionally, the device supports chronic disease management, including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiac rehabilitation management. To collect the data, a user should wear this product in their sleep.
「Go2Sleep」 產品呈環形,用於監控和收集有關於睡眠健康的關鍵指標,如心率、心率變異分析、生命體徵、睡眠評分、睡眠階段、睡眠持續時間、睡眠呼吸暫停指數、血氧飽和度和用戶睡覺時需要警惕的肢體動作。然後用於對包括失眠、睡眠呼吸暫停、睡眠節律障礙在內的睡眠障礙進行篩查。此外,該設備還支持慢性病管理,包括糖尿病、高血壓和心臟康復管理。
SLEEPON Care SLEEPON care is a sleep data management system that operates in a “software as a service” model. This service is offered for medical professionals, institutions, and organizations to better organize, analyze and interact with user sleep data. The SLEEPON care service is monetized through a subscription which varies based on the features wanted by the client.
「SLEEPON Care」 是一種睡眠數據管理系統,此系統以“軟件即服務”的模式運行。這項服務是為醫療專業人員、醫療機構和組織提供的,幫助其更好地組織、分析用戶睡眠數據並與之交互。「SLEEPON Care」這項服務通過訂閱獲利,而價格取決於客戶想要的功能。
Go2Silence Go2Silence is a smart positional therapy device attached to users' back during sleep to prevent consumers from moving to their back. The product monitors the sleep positions of the user that can be accessed through the SLEEPON app. Akin to Go2Sleep, Go2Silence is provided on SLEEONs e-commerce site or through the US partnered distributor.
SMART-MRD The SMART-MRD (Mandibular Repositioning Device) mouth guard also poses a product solution to OSA and snoring during sleep, as a replacement to CPAP. This product is sold directly to consumers through their e-commerce site. There are also distribution pathways through partnered medical practitioners and institutions.
APP APP is the primary interface for us to interact with our end users (as well as our official website and social platforms). The Daily Active User (or DAU) rate is 7%, and the Monthly Active User (or MAU) rate is 15%. With the launch of more services on the APP, the rate will double.
應用程式是我們與終端用戶互動的主要窗口(還有我們的官方網站和社交平台),目前應用程式的用戶日活躍率為 7%,月活躍度為 15%,隨著應用程式上更多服務產品的上線,用戶的活躍度會成倍增長。
Other Products
SLEEPON has expanded into products that assist the management of an effective sleep hygiene, for example, blue light blocking glasses that regulate users’ circadian rhythm. These products are sold through SLEEPONs e-commerce based website.


Team Structure

  1. Team Overview

    There are 16 members at the end of 2021.iIn addition to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), we have one Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in charge of hardware, one Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in charge of software, one Chief Operation Officer (COO), and one Chief Product Officer (CPO). Each of our C-lever managers holds several posts concurrently. We have five software engineers, two hardware engineers, two sales personnel, one administrative personnel, and one financial personnel.
    我們團隊總共 16 人,除了首席執行官外,還有一位主管硬件的首席技術官,一位主管軟件的首席技術官,一位首席運營官,一位首席產品官,每位高層管理人員都身兼數職,五名軟件開發工程師,兩名硬件工程師,兩名銷售人員,一名行政管理人員和一名財務人員。

  2. Leadership Overview

    1. David Chang Zhaowei

      CEO of SLEEPON. He is responsible for observing the market dynamics, studying the market trend, formulating the company's strategy and target, communicating the plan with the senior managers, recruiting key personnel for the team, linking external resources needed by the company, and formulating the company's management system and process.

    2. Claus He Yunqi

      Co-founder & CTO of SLEEPON. He graduated from Zhejiang University with a master's degree and was engaged in technology entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, focusing on applying wearable technology to solve medical and health needs. He has in-depth research on low power consumption heart rate, blood oxygen, blood gas analysis, mental stress, fatigue index, and perfusion index. He participated in the creation of the BASIS heart rate watch. And in 2014, it was acquired by Intel for US$140 million.
      思立普聯合創始人兼首席技術官。碩士畢業於浙江大學,曾在矽谷從事科技創業,主攻用穿戴技術解決醫療健康的需求。在低功耗心率血氧、血氣分析,精神壓力,疲勞指數和灌注指數等方面有深入研究。曾參與創立「BASIS」心率監測手錶品牌,在 2014 年被英特爾以1.4 億美元收購。

    3. Ken Chang

      SLEEPON ​​Chief Design Officer. Focusing on product design, from jewelry design, industrial design crossover to ergonomic design, with extraordinary performance in every field. His works have won the German Design Award.

    4. Jia Hu

      SLEEPON's ​​COO. He once served as the technical director of the wearable division of Flextronics FLEX, a Fortune 500 company, and was responsible for developing innovative hardware for brands such as Fitbit, Intel-BASIS, Fossil, and TAGheuer. He has profound attainments in supply chain management, product technology, and R&D team management.
      思立普的首席運營官。曾在世界500強公司偉創力FLEX擔任穿戴事業部技術總監,負責 Fitbit、Intel-BASIS、Fossil、TAGheuer 等品牌的智能硬件開發工作,在供應鏈管理、產品工藝、研發團隊管理方面有深厚造詣。

    5. Dr. Neil Kline(USA)

      Neil will join us as Chief Medical Officer, and will assist in developing and marketing SLEEPON products.
      Neil Kline 博士將出任首席醫療官。在擔任思立普的首席醫療官後,將協助產品的開發和市場開拓。

    6. Peiyao Yu

      She is responsible for overseas marketing and business communication, docking with overseas customers, and reaching business cooperation. She is responsible for brand image establishment and operation management in overseas markets, social media, user feedback, website construction, copywriting translation, and other operations.

  3. Key Personal Background

Name 姓名

Position 職位

Introduction 簡介
Chang Zhaowei
Member of American Sleep Medicine Association

Founder & CEO He founded 79 Technologies Co,. Ltd.

A serial entrepreneur, he has more than ten years of entrepreneurial experience.

Mar 2014 to Jul 2017, Founder & CEO, Hangzhou Sleepon Technology Co., Ltd.
2014 年 03 月 至 2017 年 07 月,首席執行官及創始人,杭州思立普科技有限公司

Sep 2009 - Mar 2014, Founder & CEO, Shenzhen 79 Technology Co., Ltd.
2009 年 09 月至 2014 年 03 月, 首席執行官及創始人,深圳七九科技有限公司

May 2004 - Sep 2009, Founder & CEO, Beijing Guangshun Marketing Technology Co., Ltd.
2004 年 05 月 - 2009 年 09 月,首席執行官及創始人, 北京廣順營銷科技有限公司
He, Yunqi Claus
Co-founder & CTO
聯合創始人 & 首席技術官
July 2017 - Present, CTO, Hangzhou Sleepon Technology Co., Ltd.
2017 年 07 月至今,首席技術長官,杭州思立普科技有限公
Responsible for the technological development

Mar 2011-Mar 2014, Senior Software Engineer, Basis Science Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA
2011 年 03 月 至 2014 年 04 月,高級軟體工程師,Basis Science Inc.,美國加州舊金山

In 2011, BASIS SCIENCE was funded by three prominent SAN Francisco-based VCS.
在 2011 年,「BASIS SCIENCE」由舊金山三個著名風投基進投資成立。

He was responsible for the mass production and launch of BASIS product.

BASIS was fully acquired by Intel in March 2014.
「BASIS」於 2014年 03月被英特爾全資收購。
Mar 2007-Mar 2011, Senior Software Engineer, Pulsetracer Technology Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada
2007 年 03 月至 2011 年 03 月,高級軟體工程師,Pulsetracer Technology Inc.,加拿大英屬哥倫比亞溫哥華

At the request of Mayo Clinic, he was responsible for designing and implementing wearable devices that can detect heart rate, steps, and calories burned.
Chang Likun
Chief Design Officer
2017-Now, CDO of SLEEPON

Responsible for the hardware/branding /UX/UI design Director position.

The METAGEM product series designed in 2016 won the second prize in ESCE (Shenzhen-Edinburgh International Creative Competition)
2016年 設計的「METAGEM」產品系列為公司贏得 「深圳-愛丁堡國際創意大賽」二等獎

2015, Co-founder &Chief Designer and Product Manager, MITai Technology.
2015 年,聯合創始人及首席設計師兼產品經理,米太智能。

Won the TTF Year of the Snake Zodiac Design Competition silver award in 2012, and was also collected by German jewelry magazine "SCHMUCK"
2012 年作品獲得「TTF」蛇年生肖設計大賽金獎,同時被德國珠寶雜誌《SCHMUCK》收錄

Won the TTF Year of the Sheep Zodiac Design Competition silver award in 2014.
2014 年作品獲得「TTF」羊年生肖設計大賽金獎

Supervisor of SJDA (Shenzhen Jewelry Design Association) Council
Hu Jia
Chief Operation Officer
Nov 2017 - Present, COO, Hangzhou SLEEPON Technology Co., Ltd.
2017 年 11 月至今,首席育運營長官,杭州思立普科技有限公司

Oct 2013-Nov 2017, Technology Project Manager, FLEXTRONICS (Zhuhai)
2013 年 10 月至 2017 年 11月,技術項目經理,偉創力(珠海)有限公司。
Responsible for the Fitbit and Jawbone smart bracelet projects, and Intel-Basis, Fossil and TAG Heuer mart watch projects.
主要負責「Fitbit」,「Jawbone」,「Intel-Basis」,「Fossil」,「TAG Heuer」智能手環項目;
Neil Kline Chief Medical Officer
Neil will join us as Chief Medical Officer as one of the American Sleep Association (ASA) founders and serve as CEO for ASA from 2014 to 2019. Kline has a deep insight into the sleep health industry. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. He has extensive clinical experience in prevention and treatment and has served as CEO and director of several medical companies
Neil Kline 博士將出任首席醫療官。Kline 是美國睡眠協會的創始人之一並連續五年擔任該機構的首席執行官,對美國睡眠健康產業有深刻的洞見。他獲得了美國內科醫學委員會和美國睡眠醫學會的認證。對睡眠呼吸暫停的預防和診療有豐富的臨床經驗,曾在多家醫療公司擔任首席執行官和董事。
Peiyao Yu
May 2020 - September 2020, Marketing Manager, Translation Commons (American NGO)
2020 年 05 月 – 2020 年 09 月,營銷部負責人,Translation Commons(美國非政府組織)

She is responsible for the daily marketing work, writing marketing guideline, and leading the team in social media and email marketing.


Sections To Be Declassified

  1. SLEEPON’S Solutions

  2. AI sleep coach

  3. Self-engagement sleep health APP

  4. FDA approved diagnostic device

  5. Digital therapy products

    1. Online self-directed CBT for Insomnia

    2. Positional therapy device for OSA

    3. MRD for OSA

  6. Sleep telemedicine platform

  7. Target Market

    1. Target regions

    2. To Consumers

    3. To Businesses

  8. Traction

  9. Marketing and Sales Strategy

    1. Member

  10. Risk Management

  11. Competitors

  12. Financial Plan

  13. Investment and Financing


This document has been produced and monitored by THE KEITH & EVEN GROUP (US) INC (the "Advisor") for the interest of Hangzhou SiLiPu(SleepOn) Technology Co,.Ltd (the “Company”). It is general background information about the Company’s activities at the date of this document. THE KEITH & EVEN GROUP (US) Inc. has produced this document based on information available to it, including information derived from public sources that have not been independently verified. No re-document or warranty, express or implied, is provided in relation to the fairness, accuracy, correctness, completeness or reliability of the information, opinions or conclusions expressed herein. These projections should not be considered a comprehensive re-document of the Company’s cash generation performance.
本文件由奕資(美國)股份有限公司(“顧問”)為杭州思立普科技有限公司(“公司”)的利益而製作和監督。 本文件提供截至文件發布日期為止的公司活動的基礎背景信息。奕資(美國)股份有限公司根據其可獲得的信息編制了本文件,包括來自未經獨立驗證的公共來源的信息。 對於此處表達的信息、意見或結論的公平性、準確性、正確性、完整性或可靠性,不提供任何明示或暗示的新文件或保證。 這些預測不應被視為對公司現金產生業績的全面更新。

This document is not, and nothing in it should be construed as, an offer, invitation or recommendation in respect of the Company’s credit facilities or any of the Company’s securities, or an offer, invitation or recommendation to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, the facilities or any of the Company’s securities in any jurisdiction. Neither this document nor anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document is not intended to be relied upon as advice to investors or potential investors and does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any investor. All investors should consider such factors in consultation with a professional advisor of their choosing when deciding if an investment is appropriate.
本文件不是,也不應被解釋為對本公司信貸融資或本公司任何證券的要約、邀請或建議,或對本公司的設備及在任何司法管轄區的證券的要約、出售邀請或建議,及購買要約的引導。 本文件及其中的任何內容均不構成任何合同或承諾的基礎。本文件無意作為對投資者或潛在投資者的建議,也不考慮任何投資者的投資目標、財務狀況或需求。在決定是否投資時,所有投資者都應在諮詢他們選擇的專業顧問時考慮到這些因素。

The financial information included in this document is preliminary, unaudited and subject to revision upon completion of the Company's closing and audit processes. This financial information has not been adjusted to reflect the outcome of any reorganization of the company’s capital structure, the resolution or impairment of any pre‐petition obligations, and does not reflect fresh start accounting which the company may be required to adopt.
本文件中包含的財務信息是初步的、未經審計的,並會在公司的結算和審計流程完成後進行修訂。 該財務信息未能反映公司任何資本結構重組、任何申請前債務的解決或減值後的結果,並且不反映公司可能需要採用的新的會計方法。

All forward–looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf apply only as of the date of this document, and are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements included elsewhere in this document. The financial projections are preliminary and subject to change; the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward–looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Inevitably, some assumptions will not materialize, and unanticipated events and circumstances may affect the ultimate financial results. Projections are inherently subject to substantial and numerous uncertainties and to a wide variety of significant business, economic and competitive risks, and the assumptions underlying the projections may be inaccurate in any material respect. Therefore, the actual results achieved may vary significantly from the forecasts, and the variations may be material.



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