Global & China Business Investigation
Given the complexity of operating businesses in China and the globe, obtaining key intelligence is critical to making well-informed decisions regarding investments, partnerships, suppliers, and more.
In-depth Investigation Tracks Hints Till the very end
No matter how big the company/organization/project is, TKEG’s Global & China Due-Diligence and Investigation service is always able to track down hints to the very end. Our multi-cultural and multi-lingual team with deep local knowledge and international perspective, as well as long-established relationships with top Chinese law firms ensures TKEG’s unique and powerful business investigation abilities.
Your assurance to smooth business
Risks are higher in emerging markets, but through our International Due Diligence services, we can provide insight into the management team’s track record and reputation, as well as crucial information surrounding the business entity, allowing you to make a better-informed decision when in negotiations.
TKEG Business Investigation and Due-Diligence China & Global Service
For Chinese Company Due Diligence
A company must register with the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) or the local equivalent in order to legally operate within China. The most commonly used information channels are typically inaccessible by non-residents. With TKEG’s local knowledge and networks, we can access all information channels and bring the most accurate and detailed information to our client.
Due Diligence for Chinese Business
中國企業盡職調查Chinese Joint Venture Investigation
中國合資企業調查Chinese Market Analysis
中國市場分析Business Partner and Service Analysis
業務合作夥伴和服務分析Mergers and Acquisitions Due Diligence
SAIC Registration Analysis for Chinese Companies
中國公司的工商局注册分析Registered Capital and Business Licensing Check
註冊資本和營業執照檢查Chinese Registered Address Verification
中國註冊地址驗證Chinese Registered Legal Person Investigation
Chinese Company Financial and Compliance Analysis
中國公司財務與合規分析Chinese Company Reference Check and Third-Party Evaluation
中國公司參攷諮詢與協力廠商評估Chinese Company Risk Assessment
中國公司風險評估Business Model Assessment
For International Business Investigation
With TKEG’s local knowledge and international perspective, we can provide in-depth investigations with an understanding of your business’s unique needs. Knowing what to look for as the transaction progresses or the deal closes can reduce risks, enhance relationships with regulators, protect your corporate values, and help position the target for success and delivery of expected results.
Foreign Company Background Investigation
外國公司背景調查Financial Due Diligence
財務盡職調查Corporate Fraud Investigation
公司欺詐調查Financial Investigation
金融調查Intellectual Property Investigation
知識產權調查Supply Chain Investigation
Project Feasibility Investigation
項目可行性調查Project Due Diligence Investigation
項目盡職調查Project Monitoring
項目監控Project Fraud Investigation
項目欺詐調查Project Risk Management
Meticulous Scrutiny Arrives With Zero Risk Tolerance
Whether you wish to invest in a business or find a reliable supplier, THE KEITH & EVEN GROUP understands that one of the keys to success is the quality of a prospective investment target’s partners management team.
TKEG Case Studies may be released up to two years after the completion of project for declassification and drafting purposes
for Small / Medium Size Companies
Designed for companies with under $10 million annual turnovers, TKEG Expat is a retail consulting division of THE KEITH & EVEN GROUP, focusing on providing budgeted solutions for companies seeking overseas market entry, company incorporation, assets allocation, tax strategy, and international company lookup.
Supported by TKEG's strong network, resources, and experience, TKEG Expat can provide fast, high standard, and cost-efficient service in China and the globe, within the client's budget, like no other firms can.