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The Incubation Industry In The United States - 美國的企業孵化產業

Director 指揮 : KEITH YUNXI ZHU 朱耘希

Supervisor 監視 : Jan Olav Fåland 陳天龍

Co-Authors 作者 : Junkai Fang

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The industry has had many successes in the US. With years of growth, it has become increasingly popular worldwide, with thousands of incubators registered in the US. Over 2,000 incubators were registered, and this market is at a stage where experienced business professionals could enter and compete with the resources they have. 
在美國,孵化器產業已經取得了許多成功。隨著多年的增長,它已經在全球越來越受歡迎,在美國有數千家孵化器註冊。超過 2,000 家孵化器註冊,這個市場正處於一個有經驗的商業專業人士可以進入並利用他們擁有的資源競爭的階段。

The following paragraphs will explain the industry overview, industry outlook, porters' 5 forces, major industry players, financial analysis, significant trends affecting current, and future businesses to give a closer look at the incubator industry.  


Overview of Industry

Entrepreneurship in The U.S. is considered the economy's engine, capable of realizing market opportunities and private initiatives. Small businesses account for over half of the gross national product. It is no coincidence that the US government considers spreading the entrepreneurial spirit across the country one of its priorities. The National Association of Business Incubators, or NBIA, defines the essence of such organizations as catalysts for the economic development of individual regions and the country.

By helping the growth of small businesses, Business Incubators increase the employment of the population, contribute to the creation of new jobs, the inflow of investments, the expansion of taxation items, and through them - the growth of economic stability of the region and the country as a whole. A study carried out back in 2009 by the Office of Economic Development under the US Department of Commerce clearly showed how Business Incubators can influence the economy: for every $10,000 invested, incubators created 45 jobs. 
透過幫助小型企業的成長,商業孵化器增加了人口就業率,有助於創造新的就業機會,投資的流入,稅收項目的擴張,並通過它們 - 區域和整個國家經濟穩定的增長。美國商務部經濟發展辦公室於 2009 年進行的一項研究明確表明了商業孵化器如何影響經濟:每投資一萬美元,孵化器就會創造 45 個就業機會。

Providing a creative environment is the primary goal of any U.S.  business incubator. The business incubator in the United States is focused on new companies, both newborn American and foreign, which will become unique to the American market. Therefore, as a rule, they do not have formal indicators, and there are no standard requirements.

Selection for a prestigious business incubator in the United States occurs in several stages. It starts with filling out an online questionnaire, which may accompany a video about the team and the product. Those who have passed the first round are invited to an interview with the management of the business incubator, according to the results of which it will be determined whether the company will become a resident. The most crucial criterion for the success of a business incubator is the successful coordination of its activities with regional and federal structures. 

The average stay of a small business in a business incubator in the United States is only a few months. Many companies are in a business incubator for a short period of about four months. Preparations are underway to present the company to strategic partners and venture capital adequately. For this, a team is created, which includes lawyers, patent specialists, marketers, etc. 

In most cases, business incubators in the U.S. are successful. According to official statistics, about 87% of start-ups growing in American business incubators have succeeded and stayed in the market. In the four years during which the study was conducted, the profits of companies in incubators increased by almost 800%, and employment increased by 400%. 84% of companies remained in the area in which they received support. 
在大多數情況下,美國的商業孵化器都是成功的。根據官方統計,約 87% 在美國商業孵化器中成長的創業公司都成功並留在市場上。在進行研究的四年中,孵化器公司的利潤增加了近 800%,就業人數增加了 400%。 84%的公司仍然留在他們獲得支持的地區。


Incubation Industry Outlook

The incubation industry is moving towards supporting start-ups that provide solutions, tools, and experiences that enable users to adapt to that new work and lifestyle. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will influence the trajectory of the incubation industry as start-ups need to correspond to the changes that happened to every aspect of people’s life. Some sectors need to adapt to these changes rapidly, especially in the education, communication, and retail sectors.  

  1. Innovation-Driven Start-ups

    Innovation-driven start-ups are those who offer viable innovative solutions which give them high protection for growth. Some sectors are more susceptible to disruption, such as the agriculture sector. Also, incubators will focus on start-ups that provide climate-orientated technologies, as the awareness of climate-related issues is at the core of many governments" agendas.  

    Meanwhile, as life started to gain some normalcy, incubators are looking for start-ups transforming the travel and leisure sector. This sector was greatly devastated by the COVID-19 crisis, which makes it ready for disruption and transformation. 

  2. AI Start-Ups

    The role of AI is becoming more critical every day, especially in the health, commerce, and education sectors. Due to the sudden changes that resulted from the COVID-19 crisis, AI technologies are critical for transforming these sectors to become more agile by supporting digital transformation. So, incubators are becoming more interested in AI-based start-ups.

  3. Sustainability and Social Responsibility Star-Ups

    The incubation industry has a vital role in addressing business ethical issues. Incubators are looking for start-ups that are achieving the balance between scalability and profitability while being sustainable and socially responsible. 

    The landscape of all sectors and industries has gaps in terms of sustainably and social responsibility that need to be addressed. This represents a tremendous opportunity for incubators to grow and capture new segments of various sectors.  

To sum up, the incubation industry is heading towards tremendous changes due to the pandemic and changing consumer behavior. Incubators aim to capitalize on the newly created gaps in the market by supporting innovative start-ups across the board.


Major Industry Players

San Francisco is where material, physical and moral support can be easily found for aspiring, talented, inexperienced entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. Nearly 1,400 firms have already raised over $10 billion to develop new businesses in a business incubator environment. The names of such world-famous start-ups as Airbnb, Instacart, and Uber can be cited as confirmation. 
三藩市是一個創意新穎、人才豐富、經驗薄弱的有志企業家可以輕易獲得物質、實體和精神上的支持的地方。在商業孵化器環境中,已經有近 1,400 家公司籌集了超過一百億美元來開發新企業。像 Airbnb, Instacart, 和 Uber 這樣的世界知名創業公司可以作為證明。

The three leaders in the industry:

  1. 500 Start-Ups:

    A company that works with residents and non-residents companies with exciting and potentially successful technologies in reserve. Offers a four-month program worth $37,500 and $150,000 in exchange for a 6% stake. Among the "graduates" of the incubator are such companies as Talkdesk, RealtyShares, and RapidAPI. 
    一家與居民和非居民公司合作的公司,擁有令人興奮且可能成功的技術備用。提供價值37,500美元且換取6%股權的四個月項目。在孵化器中的「畢業生」包括Talkdesk, RealtyShares和RapidAPI等公司。

  2. Y Combinator:

    One of the first accelerators was founded in 2005. and specializes in technology companies. Offers 3 months of training and funding up to $ 120,000 in exchange for 7% of the company. There are more than 250 successful start-ups among the "graduates." Companies successfully launched, funded, and developed by the Y Combinator accelerator are (from the latest) Reddit, Heroku, and OMGPOP. Y Combinator'sCombinator's most famous alums are Dropbox, Airbnb, Stripe, Loopt,, Weebly, and Scribd. One hundred two start-ups from among Y Combinator alums are valued at over $ 150 million. These 102 start-ups alone, excluding other graduates, have created more than 50 thousand jobs, and their total capitalization today exceeds $ 155 billion. 
    這是 2005 年創立的第一個加速器之一,專門為科技公司服務。提供三個月的培訓和最高十二萬美元的資金,換取公司百分之七的股權。「畢業生」中有250多家成功的創業公司。由 Y Combinator 加速器成功推出、資助和開發的公司包括(最新的)Reddit, Heroku 和 OMGPOP。這 102 家創業公司單獨算上,不包括其他畢業生公司,創造了五萬多個工作機會,今天他們的總資本化超過 1,550 億美元。

  3. AngelPad:

    They focus on selecting interesting technology companies from anywhere in the world with their subsequent six-month incubation. The arsenal includes more than 140 projects, providing $120,000 investment, plus to $300,000 in cloud credits. Former clients: HireCanvas, Postmates, SimpleReach. 
    他們致力於從世界各地選擇有趣的科技公司,並進行隨後的六個月孵化。他們已經孵化了 140 多個項目,提供十二萬美元的投資以及三十萬美元用於雲服務。前客戶包括HireCanvas,Postmates,和 SimpleReach。


Porters' 5 Forces

Buyer Power 

New American companies or foreign (to a lesser extent) that are ready to work in the conditions of the American market and on its territory of the United States can become participants in incubation programs. People existing but have yet to implement business ideas can be attracted to participate. Or, a team of specialists can be recruited for a specific idea before it appears on the market. An example is Bill Gross, who created his business incubator IdeaLab and "grew" about 20 companies through it. 
准备在美国市场条件下和在美国境内运作的新美国公司或外国公司(较少)可以成为孵化项目的参与者。有想法但尚未实施的人可以被吸引参与。或者,可以为特定想法在它出现在市场上之前招募一组专家。比尔·格罗斯就是一个例子,他创建了他的商业孵化器 IdeaLab 并透過它"培养"了约二十家公司。

The idea or project the buyer owns must be attractive to the incubator owners because they are interested in making a profit. Each incubator has its system of selection, assessments, and criteria for the selection of ideas and projects. Moreover, incubators practice several forms of participation in programs. For example, partner clients might be home businesses or early-stage companies with their premises but can use the services of an incubator. Whereas for remote clients, virtual provision of services can be organized in the form of consultations and any other assistance available in electronic format.  

The Threat of New Entry

  1. The number of accelerators and incubators has increased fivefold worldwide over the past ten years.

  2. Almost half of them focus on one industry and have an international strategy.

  3. Only 35% specialize in one particular technology.
    只有 35% 專門研究一種特定技術。

Incubators can no longer thrive simply by offering office space or mentoring programs. They can only survive if they stand out from the crowd. One of the best ways to do this is to consistently specialize in one industry or technology and have an international business model. 

Until now, these providers have mainly concentrated on classic support functions such as coaching (96%), seminars (90%), and office space provision (86%). Only about half of them provide start-ups with access to unique technologies. While 54% of surveyed institutions specialize in specific industries, only 35 percent focus on a specific area of technology such as the Internet of Things, Big Data, or Artificial Intelligence. By comparison, organizations in the United States (65%) already focus more on specific industries. 

Incubators can also do more to internationalize their business: just under half of those surveyed are already pursuing an international strategy, expanding into other markets, or entering into new partnerships. 
孵化器還可以做更多的國際化業務: 在調查中,接近一半的孵化器已經在追求國際化戰略,擴大其他市場或進入新的合作關係。

New offerings, such as corporate incubators or venture capital programs, present additional competition to accelerators and incubators. And given the high level of liquidity in financial markets, start-ups are no longer dependent on investment from such providers. 

On the other hand, industry representatives, venture capital funds, and government agencies are potential clients of established suppliers' incubators who have significant experience. This means they can support investment decisions in important directions in a very dynamic and highly high market. As such, they can increasingly act as a bridge between start-ups, mainstream players, investors, and academia and become platforms for technology transfer. 

Major Trends Affecting Current and Future Businesses 

The Covid-19 pandemic brought many changes to businesses that were not predicted in the past. Unlike in 2020, now companies started adapting and transforming themselves according to the new normal. According to business and technology futurist Bernard Marr, the following are the trends for 2021 and the upcoming future. (The 10 Biggest Business Trends For 2021 Everyone Must Be Ready For). 
新冠肺炎大流行使得許多企業面臨著之前預料不到的改變。在 2020 年時,企業開始根據新常態適應和轉型。根據商業和科技未來學家 Bernard Marr 的說法,以下是2021年和未來的趨勢。 (The 10 Biggest Business Trends For 2021 Everyone Must Be Ready For). 

  • Increase of Remote Workforce: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies had to adapt to the remote workforce. Some companies experienced an increase in productivity from doing so, while it was not ideal for others. Nowadays, learning from the new way of working, some businesses are seriously considering the remote workforce as a new form of their business. However, when doing so, companies must be aware of providing proper employee support.

  • Big Data: As the data volume has grown significantly in the past few years, some businesses have taken advantage of the big data for themselves, such as using it as a tool to understand the customers better or to help decide for their brands. However, as cloud solution allows people to access data easily from anywhere, businesses need to be more careful securing their data. Moreover, as data can be a great tool to boost business performance in some aspects, companies should consider investing time and money to improve data literacy. 
    大數據:隨著數據量在過去幾年中大幅增長,一些企業利用了大數據,例如將其作為更好地瞭解客戶或幫助决定品牌的工具。 然而,由於雲解決方案允許人們從任何地方輕鬆訪問資料,企業需要更加小心地保護數據。 此外,由於數據在某些方面可以成為提高業務績效的重要工具,公司應考慮投入時間和資金來提高數據素養。

  • Innovation of the Business model: As the market shifts, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses must react and adapt to the changes quickly. This means the brand should always reflect what the customers need and what they should offer the customers and innovate the business model according to that.
    商業模式的創新:隨著市場的變化,尤其是在新冠肺炎流行期間,企業必須迅速做出反應並適應變化。 這意味著品牌應始終反映客戶的需求以及他們應為客戶帶來的影響,並據此創新商業模式。

  • Increase of Automation: As the development of technology allowed some tasks to be done without human hands, many businesses are willing to seek a way to apply automation within their brand to optimize some areas. 

  • Virtual Interfaces: The covid-19 pandemic restricted many indoor activities, such as shopping and trying on things before buying. Therefore, brands are considering digitalization in their service delivery. This includes virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, which helps customers know what they will receive. 
    虛擬介面:新冠肺炎疫情限制了許多室內活動,例如購物和購買前試穿東西。 囙此,品牌正在考慮在其服務交付中實現數位化。 這包括虛擬、增强和混合現實,幫助客戶知道他們將收到什麼。

  • Decentralized Finance: As the economy fluctuated a lot during Covid-19, businesses seek decentralized finance options such as crowdfunding and blockchain technology to help raise their capital. 

  • Localization: While many global issues threatened international businesses, some businesses are now focusing again on their local market instead of expanding their businesses to another continent. 

  • Adding Meaningful Values: Nowadays, young generations are searching more and more for indicative purposes, from lifestyle to their professions. Therefore, one of the trends in business is finding a way to be ''sustainable''. Companies need to overview their operation, environmental impact, and products and see if they negatively impact the planet. 
    新增有意義的價值:如今,年輕一代越來越多地尋求訓示性的目的,從生活方式到職業。 囙此,商業趨勢之一是找到一種“永續”的管道。 公司需要概述其運營、環境影響和產品,看看它們是否對地球產生負面影響。


Financial Analysis

Over 2,000 incubators have been registered in the United States, and this market is at a stage where experienced business professionals could enter and compete with the resources they have. Start-up incubators support entrepreneurs in their professional journey and facilitate transforming concepts into long-term business models. 
在美國已經注册了 2,000 多家孵化器,這個市場正處於一個有經驗的商業專業人員可以進入並與他們擁有的資源競爭的階段。 創業孵化器支持創業者的職業生涯,並促進將概念轉化為長期商業模式。

  1. Market Situation

    In 2012, National Business Incubator Association (NBIA) surveyed 1,195 of the 1,400 incubators in North America with 235 responses and published its findings in the 2012 State of the Business Incubation Industry study. The NBIA research team concluded that the survey represented a cross-section of incubation program type, age, size, and location. The research team believes the results reflect an accurate profile of the US incubation industry.
    在 2012 年,美國國家企業孵化器協會對北美 1,400 家孵化器中的 1,195 家公司進行了調查,共收到 235 份回復,並在 2012 年企業孵化產業狀況研究中公佈了調查結果。 美國國家企業孵化器協會研究團隊得出結論,該調查代表了孵化項目類型、年齡、規模和地點的一個橫截面。研究團隊認為,結果反映了美國孵化行業的準確預測。

    1. Three Types of Fundamental U.S. Incubators:The most significant percentages (54%) of the US incubators are mixed-use incubators — incubators that work with clients from many industries. The second largest (37%) segments are incubators which foster technology clients. There is an increasing interest in technology incubators since they create higher-value add jobs than mixed incubators. The remaining 9% of incubators focus on manufacturing, service, and other economic sectors [Knopp, Linda, 2012, pp. 10]. 
      三種基本美國孵化器:美國有三種基本類型的企業孵化器。美國孵化器中最重要的百分比(54%)是混合用途孵化器 — 與許多行業客戶合作的孵化器。 第二大(37%)部門是培育科技客戶的孵化器。 人們對科技孵化器越來越感興趣,因為它們創造了比混合孵化器更高的附加值工作崗位。 其餘 9%的孵化器專注於製造業、服務業和其他經濟部門 [Knopp, Linda, 2012, pp. 10]。

    2. There is a wide diversity of incubators ranging from large-scale incubators such as the still operational mixed-use Batavia industrial Center (BIC) incubators to the technology-focused Silicon Valley Industrial Park founded by Stanford University, as well as programs such as Louisiana State University'sUniversity's "incubator on wheels," founded after hurricane Katrina, to help small business owners in rural Louisiana rebuild their businesses [D'AngostinoD'Angostino, 2009].
      孵化器種類繁多,既有大型孵化器,如仍在運營的混合用途巴達維亞工業中心孵化器,也有斯坦福大學創辦的以科技為中心的矽谷工業園區,還有路易斯安那州立大學在卡特裡娜颶風後創辦的「車輪上的孵化器」 幫助路易斯安那州農村的小企業主重建企業 [D'AngostinoD'Angostino, 2009]。

    The number of USA Incubators Operational Today and Economic Impact: Today, the National Business Incubator Association (NBIA) estimates that approximately 1400 business incubation programs were operating in North America in 2011, up from 1,100 incubators in 2006 [Knopp, Linda, 2012,p.].
    今日美國孵化器運營和經濟影響的數量:據美國國家企業孵化器協會估計,在 2011 年,北美大約有 1,400 個企業孵化器項目在運營,而 2006 年只有 1,100 個孵化器 [Knopp, Linda, 2012,p.]。

    The 1400 US incubators have a significant financial impact on the US economy and have more fun, far-reaching effects in fostering new technology commercialization and the establishment of new jobs. In 2011, NBIA estimated that North American incubators assisted approximately 49,000 start-up companies that provide full-time employment for nearly 200,000 workers while generating annual revenues of about US$15 billion.
    這 1,400 家美國孵化器對美國經濟產生了重大的經濟影響,並在促進新技術商業化和創造新工作崗位方面產生了更有趣、更深遠的影響。 在 2011 年,美國國家企業孵化器協會估計,北美孵化器幫助了約 49,000 家初創公司,為近 200,000 名工人提供全職就業機會,年收入約 150 億美元。

  2. Demand Forecast

    1. Client Companies Revenues:

      The average revenues for client companies in 2012 were $10.7 million with a median of $2.1 million. The average revenue of companies in technology incubators was $19.4 million compared to $5.9 million for companies in mixed-use incubators [Knopp, Linda, 2012, p. 55].
      在 2012 年,客戶公司的平均收入為 1,070 萬美元,中值為 210 萬美元。 科技孵化器公司的客戶公司平均收入為 1,940 萬美元,而混合用途孵化器公司的客戶公司為 590 萬美元 [Knopp, Linda, 2012, p. 55]。

    2. Equity Investments by Investors in Client Companies:

      The average equity investment was $10.7 million with a median of $1.0 million. Companies in mixed-use incubators attracted $3.4 million in equity investments. In contrast, companies in technology incubators attracted $20.5 million in equity investments [Knopp, Linda, 2012, p. 57].
      平均股權投資為 1,070 萬美元,中位數為 100 萬美元。在混合孵化器裡的公司吸引了 340 萬美元的股權投資。 相比之下,在科技孵化器裡的公司吸引了 2,050 萬美元的股權投資 [Knopp, Linda, 2012, p. 57]。

    3. Business Incubators Equity in Client Companies:

      Fewer than one in five (18%) business incubators take equity in all or some of their client companies. Overall, 14% of the incubators took equity in selected client companies and 4% in all clients. As expected, for-profit incubators and technology programs (29%) were more likely than mixed-use incubators (13%) programs to take equity in clients.
      不到五分之一(18%)的企業孵化器持有其全部或部分客戶公司的股權。 總體而言,14% 的孵化器持有選定客戶公司的股權,4% 持有所有客戶的股權。 正如預期的那樣,專業孵化器和科技項目(29%)比混合用途孵化器(13%)更有可能獲得客戶的股權。

    4. Incubator Expenses:

      In 2012, average expenses were $516,610, and the median costs were $300,000. Technology incubation programs reported higher moderate and median program expenses of $734,009 and $491,000 than other incubators. Mixed-use programs reported annual average incubator expenses of $438,563 with a median of $239,450 [Knopp, Linda, 2012, pp. 44 - 45].
      在 2012 年,平均費用為 516,610 美元,中間成本為 300,000 美元。 科技孵化項目的中等和中等項目費用分別為 734,009 美元和 491,000 美元,高於其他孵化項目。 混合用途項目報告的年均孵化器費用為 438,563 美元,中位數為 239,450 美元 [Knopp, Linda, 2012, pp. 44 - 45]。

The U.S. business incubation industry is growing and prospering. They have demonstrated that they accelerate the wealth creation process with a community by raising the success rates of incubated companies above non-incubated companies by matching entrepreneurs with intellectual and professional capital. In the process, the incubated companies create jobs in and out of the incubators. 
美國企業孵化器行業正在發展壯大。 他們已經證明,他們通過將企業家與智力和專業資本相匹配,將孵化公司的成功率提高到非孵化公司之上,從而加快了與社區的財富創造過程。 在此過程中,孵化公司在孵化器內外創造就業機會。



In the past two years, COVID-19 has changed the incubator industry a lot because of the overall behavior change of the labor force. Companies tend to shift their businesses online and have services done remotely. The technology of AI and the usage of big data have grown significantly in the incubator industry.
在過去的兩年裏,由於勞動力整體行為的變化,新冠肺炎給孵化器行業帶來了很大的變化。 公司傾向於將業務轉移到網上,並遠程提供服務。 人工智慧科技和大數據的使用在孵化器行業中顯著增長。

The incubation industry has seen significant growth in recent years, with an increase in the number of accelerators and incubators worldwide. To stand out in a crowded market, incubators need to specialize in a specific industry or technology and have an international business model. While traditional support functions such as office space and mentoring programs are still essential, incubators must also provide access to unique technologies and resources to attract startups. Additionally, the industry faces increased competition from new offerings such as corporate incubators and venture capital programs and a high level of liquidity in financial markets. Nevertheless, established incubators can still play an essential role in supporting investment decisions and acting as a bridge between startups, mainstream players, investors, and academia, making them valuable partners for industry representatives, venture capital funds, and government agencies.
近年來,隨著全球加速器和孵化器數量的新增,孵化行業出現了顯著增長。 為了在擁擠的市場中脫穎而出,孵化器需要專門從事某一特定行業或科技,並具有國際商業模式。 雖然傳統的支持功能(如辦公空間和指導計畫)仍然至關重要,但孵化器還必須提供獨特的科技和資源,以吸引初創企業。 此外,該行業面臨來自企業孵化器和風險投資項目等新產品的競爭加劇,以及金融市場的高流動性。 儘管如此,成熟的孵化器仍然可以在支持投資決策方面發揮重要作用,並充當創業公司、主流參與者、投資者和學術界之間的橋樑,使其成為行業代表、風險投資基金和政府機構的寶貴合作夥伴。

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